Nell'estate calda provo una gioia immensa, quando la parca pace della terra viene uccisa dalle tempeste...
Ezra Pound
All pictures and images contained within this photo gallery are copyright protected. Under no circumstances may these pictures be used without prior consent from Occidental Congress. If you wish to use something from our archives, just ask. Please do not steal our work (as some magazines and websites have already done). The Congress is neither stupid nor blind...
Changes/Awen/By The Spirits/La Merde (Mühltal 03.10.2019)
Blood Axis/Vril Jäger (Copenhagen 19.10.2016)
Carnera (Modena 01.08.2015)
Paul Roland/Albireon (Piacenza 07.03.2014)
Changes (Genova 28.08.2013 - Copenhagen 30.08.2013)
Blood Axis/MAA (Helsinki 24.08.2011)
6Comm/The Green Man (Milano 18.09.2010)
Negura Bunget (Milano 10.04.2010)
Sol Invictus/The Green Man (Milano 30.01.2010)
VI Congresso Post Industriale (Prato 14.02.2009)
Wolves in the Throne Room (Milano 11.02.2009)
Woven Hand/Birch Book (Milano 28.11.2008)
Teatro Satanico (Este 02.02.2008)
Those Days in London (Londra 22.11 - 23.11 - 24.11.2007)
Teatro Satanico/Vri-il (Pavia 07.07.2007)
IV Congresso Post Industriale (Prato 07.04.2007)
N. (Tarcento 10.02.2007)
Spiritual Front (Vicenza 26.01.2007)
Negura Bunget (Albignasego 20.10.2006)
Triumvirat Festival - gallery I (Yverdon 15.04 - 16.04.2006)
Triumvirat Festival - gallery II (Yverdon 15.04 - 16.04.2006)
Old Nail in Europa Festival (Tarcento 08.04.2006)
Bolt Thrower (Bassano del Grappa 19.01.2006)
Ostara (Modena 10.12.2005)
Blood Axis (Firenze 09.04.2005 - Torino 10.04.2005)
Ostara (Modena 13.11.2004)
I Congresso Neo Pop 'n' Folk (Pordenone 23.10.2004)
Amplexus Party (Mestre 15.05.2004)
Kirlian Camera (Mestre 24.04.2004)
Ostara (Scandiano 27.03.2004)
III Congresso Post Industriale (Pordenone 20.03.2004)
Allerseelen/Dernière Volonté (Mestre 20.12.2003)
Bad Sector (Lugano 17.05.2003)
II Congresso Post Industriale (Prato 04.01.2003)
Hau Ruck! Festival (Vienna 31.10 - 01.11 - 02.11.2002)
Der Blutharsch (Bologna 19.07.2002)
Death in June/NON/Wolfpact (Vicenza 24.04.2002)
A.K.A. Lupinaria/Der Blutharsch (Vicenza 15.12.2001)
Tenhi/Of The Wand And The Moon/Dornenreich (Vienna 04.10.2001)
Anenzephalia/Deutsch Nepal/Der Blutharsch (Prato 10.03.2001)
Thaglasz "Treppen" Festival (Kassel 14.07.2000)
Sol Invictus (Trieste 29.11.1999)
Death in June/Non/Der Blutharsch (Bologna 29.05.1999)
Blood Axis/Ain Soph (Roma 12.11.1998)
Tony Wakeford (Trieste 17.10.1997)
Death in June/Strength Through Joy/Non (Torino 31.05.1997) hosted by Achtung Baby!
Death in June/Strength Through Joy/Non (Roma 29.05.1997)